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Student Life » Overview


Student life beyond the classroom is an integral part of the Jones experience, enabling students to interact socially and collaboratively with others who share similar interests, talents, and goals. The diverse interests of our students are reflected in numerous opportunities and activities available for engagement. Whether through sports, music, the arts, or the wide array of leadership and community possibilities, Jones encourages students to get involved. On the path of exploring your passion, you may discover something about yourself, do something you’ve never done, meet a new friend, or just have some fun!

Jones is alive with yearly events and traditions, and with dozens of clubs and extracurricular activities, there's plenty to do. Some annual events include:

  • Eagle Games
  • Homecoming Dance
  • Faculty Follies
  • Black Student Union’s BSU Presents…
  • Asian Fest 
  • Association of Latin American Students (ALAS) Festival

Jones has a large and successful athletic program with full teams in 23 boys' and girls' sports. The athletic programs are dedicated to fostering a competitive spirit which emphasizes the need for teamwork, dedication, discipline, school, and team pride and respect for self, teammates, coaches, opponents and officials. Go Eagles!

Student Clubs
Clubs also provide leadership opportunities and sharing a common interest with classmates. There is no limit to the number of clubs a student can join, and we encourage our students to take a leadership role in one or more of these clubs.

Student Newspaper
Get inside life at Jones with the student newspaper Blueprint!